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Haiku for Hippies

The original celebration of a counter-culture life. Fifty haiku that will make you remember what it was like back in the '60s or make you wish you did.

A selection from Haiku for Hippies

well tended garden

rows and rows of organic herbs

most of them legal

election night

the bearded guy whistling

we shall overcome

Roll Your Own 

Roll Your Own

More haiku and tanka that give you a chance to relive or vicariously expeirnece the hippie lifestyle. The interactive cover is a delightful surprise. 

More Haiku and Tanka for Hippies

A selection from Haiku for Hippies

getting old

using my postage scale 

for postage

tossing him 

the tobacco pouch and 

papers I say 

go ahead buddy 

roll your own


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